Alexander G.Welzl
President and co-founder of China Data Analysis & Research Hub (CDA)
Alexander G. Welzl is the President and co-founder of China Data Analysis & Research Hub (CDA) an independent, non-partisan and non-profit brainport (think-tank) dedicated to Sino-European research and analysis with its headquarter in Vienna (Austria/Europe).
With a professional and scientific background in economic research, financial markets, innovation and entrepreneurship as well as sustainability Alex started to teach the first university course in Europe focusing on the National Innovation System of PR China in winter term 2018 at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (UASTW, Austria). Alex has been invited as guest researcher and visiting fellow at European and Chinese universities (e.g. Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin/Germany, Zhejiang University in Hangzhou/PR China).
Throughout his career in research, private industry, finance and public administration Alex’ work focused on contributing to a novel understanding of innovation-driven and knowledge-based transformations in economy, finance and societies in the 21st century, which also addressed man’s development in the context of planetary boundaries. Travelling to China since 2009 Alex developed an additional focus on the transformation and rise of China (and the Pacific region) vis a vis Europe in terms of innovation, economics and sustainability. In recent years Alex also explored the fields of blue economy and maritime sustainability. In this context he was nominated as Scientific Coordinator and Member of the High Level Expert Group on Plastic Marine Litter in the Cabinet Office of the Austrian Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism (2018-2019). In this capacity he was invited by UN ESCAP as a panelist at the United Nations Asia Pacific Business Forum (APBF 2019) in Papua New Guinea in June 2019.
In previous positions Alexander was senior researcher with Economica (2008 – 2016), a Vienna based macroeconomic think tank; policy officer as well as human resources and performance management expert with Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance’s Directorate General I (2007 – 2008); Co-founder, European Coordinator and Chairman of the Commission on Intellectual Capital (CIC) of the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS, Frankfurt am Main, Germany/Europe, 2006 - 2013); Senior consultant with Munich (Germany) based professional service firm ESPRIT Consulting Ltd. (2003 – 2007) and head of staff unit ‘Spin-off and Venture Management’ in the general management of Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT, 1998 – 2003).
In 2003 and 2004 Alexander acted as advisor of Prof. Lars Y. Terenius (Karolinska Institute and Head of the Center of Molecular Medicine/CMM in Stockholm) then a Member of the Nobel Assembly and The Nobel Committee on Physiology or Medicine. Prof. Terenius in the meantime has accepted his nomination as the European Chairman of CDA’s Scientific Advisory Board.
As representative of the European capital market Alexander G. Welzl was invited to give a lecture on “Managing Curious Minds – Global Trends in Accounting, Reporting and Valuation of Intellectual Capital” at Department of Accounting and Management at Harvard Business School/Harvard University in Boston/USA in 2008 – the year of HBS’ centennial celebrations. On 24th November 2009 – the 150ies anniversary of Charles Darwin’s publication “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” – Alexander was invited to give a lecture in the Distinguished Visitors Lecture Series of Oxford Department of International Development (ODID) at the University of Oxford/UK. In his ODID-lecture titled “On the Origin of Wealth by Means of Adopting a New Value Paradigm” he addressed novel approaches to macroeconomic models of wealth generation against the backdrop of the ongoing global financial and economic crises.
Alexander G. Welzl is a frequently invited speaker and panelist contributing to conferences, expert workshops and seminars amongst others at and with United Nations, OECD, World Bank, European Commission, Academy of Macroeconomic Research (AMR) of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of P.R. China, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing/China), US National Academy of Sciences (Washington DC/USA), Harvard University (Boston/USA), Peking University (Beijing/China), University of Oxford (Oxford/UK), Zhejiang University (Hangzhou/China), University of International Business and Economics (Beijing/China), European University Institute (Florence/Italy), University of Heidelberg (Germany) and Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin (Germany). He graduated in natural sciences at the Alma mater Rudolphina (University of Vienna).
Alex has been frequently invited to give remarks in Chinese media amongst others by Xinhua, Guangming Daily and Shanghai Media Group.
Alexander G. Welzl – Invited lectures, Panel Contributions and Expert Meetings (2008 – present)
Panelist at United Nations Asia Pacific Business Forum (APBF) 2019
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea - 21 June 2019

From left to right:
Armida Salsiah ALISJAHBANA (Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, UN ESCAP, Bangkok), Alexander G. WELZL

From right to left:
Yanning WANG (Assistant Corporate Secretary, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank/AIIB, Beijing, P.R. China), Alexander G. WELZL
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), Outcome of the Asia-Pacific Business Forum (APBF) 2019 “Global Goals, Local Opportunities: Inclusive and Sustainable Development for the Non-Urban AsiaPacific” (Programme and panelists on pages 16 ff) - Full report
Newspaper article on Alexander G. Welzl's panel contribution at APBF 2019, 24 June 2019 - The National
Expert meeting at Federal Reserve Board (FED)
Washington D.C., USA - 19 May 2011

From left to right:
Alexander G. WELZL, Daniel E. SICHEL (Senior Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board)
Discussant at EUI Workshop
European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy – 1-2 October 2015

From left to right:
Pier Carlo PADOAN (Minister of Finance, Republic of Italy, fourth from left) Kristalina GEORGIEVA (Vice-President, European Commission, fifth from left), Alexander G. WELZL (right)
EUI Robert Schuman Centre workshop on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the EU budget, 1 – 2 October 2015 - Programme
EUI Robert Schuman Centre workshop on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the EU budget, 1 – 2 October 2015 - Final Report
Bilateral Meeting of European and Japanese Capital Market Representatives at SAAJ-Headquarters in Tokyo
The Securities Analysts Association of Japan (SAAJ), Tokyo, Japan -
18 November 2008

From right to left:
Kiyoto HAGIWARA (President & CEO, The Securities Analysts Association of Japan/SAAJ, Tokyo - 2nd from right), Alexander G. WELZL (EFFAS CIC - middle)
Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI, Tokyo) providing the brochure on EFFAS CIC (Commission on Intellectual Capital/CIC of European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies/EFFAS) - Brochure
Alexander G. Welzl panelist at international finance conference in Tokyo, Fall 2008 - Speakers
Alexander G. Welzl presentation at international finance conference in Tokyo, Fall 2008 - Full version
EFFAS annual report 2008 (on EFFAS CIC activities see pages 8/19 bottom to 11/22 top) - Report
Panelist and European Capital Market Representative at International Finance Conference in Washington D.C.
The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington D.C., USA -
15 - 16 October 2008

From right to left:
Alexander G. WELZL (EFFAS CIC), Takayuki SUMITA (METI, Tokyo), Peter J. WALLISON (American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C.)
18th International XBRL Conference at The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington D.C., 15 - 16 October 2008 - Presentations
Alexander G. Welzl panelist at 18th International XBRL Conference in Washington D.C. on 15 October 2008 - Full version
Speech at US National Academy of Sciences
Washington D.C., USA - 16-17 October 2008

From right to left:
Alexander G. WELZL, scholars
OECD Expert Workshop on Knowledge Markets in Life Sciences at US NAS, 16-17 October 2008 - Programme
OECD Expert Workshop on Knowledge Markets in Life Sciences, 16-17 October 2008 - Agenda and Presentations
Alexander G. Welzl, panelist and presentation at OECD Expert Workshop on Knowledge Markets in Life Sciences, 17 October 2008 - Full version
OECD report 2012 on 'Knowledge Networks and Markets in the Life Sciences' (pages 100, 105, 111) - Full electronic version
Invited Lecture at Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics (IQTE), CASS
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, P.R. China – 15 February 2012

From left to right:
LI Ping (Deputy Director of Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics, CASS), Alexander G. WELZL
Alexander G. Welzl, invited lecture at Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics (IQTE CASS) on 'Innovation, R&D and Talent - Advanced Approaches of Measuring New Sources of Wealth in National Accounts' (the US data was kindly provided by Brent Moulton, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Washington D.C.), 15 February 2012, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing - Full version
Invited lecture at Harvard Business School, Harvard University
Boston, USA - 9 April 2008

From left to right:
Paul M. HEALY (Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Research Professor and Chair of Accounting and Management, HBS), Alexander G. WELZL, Michael D. KIMBROUGH (Professor at Department of Accounting and Management, Harvard Business School)
Alexander G. Welzl, lecture at Harvard Business School 'Managing Curious Minds – Global Trends in Accounting, Reporting and Valuation of Intellectual Capital', 9 April 2008, Harvard University - Full Version
Invited lecture at Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom - 24 November 2009

Distinguished Visitors Lecture Series, Oxford Department of International Development (ODID), University of Oxford, Michaelmas Term 2009 - Announcement
Alexander G. Welzl, ODID Distinguished Visitors Lecture, 24 November 2009, University of Oxford - Abstract
Alexander G. Welzl, ODID Distinguished Visitors Lecture 'On the Origin of Wealth by Means of Adopting a New Value Paradigm', 24 November 2009, University of Oxford - Full Version
Invited lecture at Institute of New Structural Economics (INSE), Peking University
Beijing, P.R. China – 3 April 2019

From left to right:
Dr. YU Jia (Director, Department of International Development Cooperation, Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University), Alexander G. WELZL, Alain NADEAU (Head of EIB Representation for China and Mongolia, Beijing), Philippe VIALATTE (Minister Counsellor, Head of the Science and Technology Section, Delegation of the European Union to China, Beijing)
Alexander G. Welzl, invited lecture (The 28th NSE International Development Forum), 3 April 2019, Peking University - Announcement
Alexander G. Welzl, invited lecture (The 28th NSE International Development Forum), Peking University - Invitation
Alexander G. Welzl, invited lecture 'Innovation and Translational Research as Key Drivers of New Structural Economics – European Perspectives on China‘s Global Development Narrative' - Full version
Invited lecture at National Institute for Innovation Management (NIIM)
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R. China - 1 April 2019

From left to right:
WU Dong (Professor, School of Management, Zhejiang University), Alexander G. WELZL, HUANG Can (Professor, School of Management, Zhejiang University)
Alexander G. Welzl, invited lecture at National Institute for Innovation Management (NIIM) 'Talentism, Responsible Innovation and Evidence-based Nation Building - Towards a Innovation Driven and Systemic Governance Approach in the 21st Century', 1 April 2019, Zhejiang University - Full version
Guest Researcher and Invited Lecture at Humboldt University in Berlin
Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany - 10-12 November 2019

From right to left:
Wolfgang K. HAERDLE (Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz Professor of Statistics, School of Business and Economics, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin), Alexander G. WELZL
Alexander G. Welzl, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/DFG (German Research Foundation) funded guest researcher at the Sino-German doctoral program International Research Training Group 1792 (IRTG 1792) "High Dimensional Nonstationary Time Series" - Program details
Sino-German doctoral program International Research Training Group 1792 (IRTG 1792) "High Dimensional Nonstationary Time Series" - Guest researchers from Europe, Asia-Pacific and United States
'Alexander G. Welzl's guest lecture at DFG (German Research Foundation) funded Sino-European program IRTG 1792 at School of Business and Economics (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin) titled 'Frontiers of Applied AI in Humanoid Robots - The Case of HANSON ROBOTICS' Sophia-platform' - Full version
Panel chair at Heidelberg University's symposium 'Knowledge and Action'
Heidelberg, Germany - 16-19 June 2010

Picture credit: Thomas Bonn, University Heidelberg
From top to bottom:
Peter MEUSBURGER (former Chair of Economic and Social Geography, at Heidelberg University, first 'distinguished senior professor' of Germany, 4th row from top, left side), Alexander G. WELZL (3rd row from top, left side)
Heidelberg University Department of Geography's Symposia 'Knowledge and Space' in the Villa Bosch of KlausTschira Foundation in Heidelberg (since 2006 until today) - Introduction
Symposia 'Knowledge and Space', Heidelberg - Participants
Symposia 'Knowledge and Space', Heidelberg - Book series
Symposium 'Knowledge and Action', 16 - 19 June 2010, Heidelberg - Programme
Symposium 'Knowledge and Action', 16 - 19 June 2010, Heidelberg - Participants
Panelist at Conference on Integrated Maritime Policy & Plastic Marine Litter
Brussels, Belgium - 26 March 2019

From left to right:
Alexander G. WELZL, experts from Union for the Mediterranean/UfM Secretariat in Barcelona, European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries as well as European Commission Directorate-General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations
Alexander G. Welzl, panelist at Information Session on Marine Litter (and Final Annual Project Meeting of Facility for Regional Policy Dialogue on Integrated Maritime Policy), 26 March 2019, Brussels - Agenda
Alexander G. Welzl, presentation at Information Session on Marine Litter 'Delivering Facts for Action – Implications of Space-Technologies and Novel Big Data Analysis Technologies for Plastic Marine Litter', 26 March 2019, Brussels - Full version
Panelist at conference ‘Milieus of Creativity in University Research’
Vienna, Austria – 14 October 2010

From left to right:
Alexander G. WELZL, Yuko HARAYAMA (Deputy Director of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (STI) of OECD)
International conference ‘Milieus of Creativity in University Research’ with contributions amongst others of OECD, US National Science Foundation, Karolinska Institutet/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and University of Oxford, 14 October 2010, Vienna – Programme
International conference ‘Milieus of Creativity in University Research’, 14 October 2010, Vienna – Proceedings
Expert meeting at Academy of Macroeconomic Research (AMR), NDRC
AMR, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Beijing, P.R. China - February 2012

From left to right:
Alexander G. WELZL (second from left), WANG Changlin (AMR, third from left)
Sino-Austrian macroeconomic expert workshop co-organised by Alexander G. Welzl (Economica) and Academy of Macroeconomic Research (AMR) of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) 'Anticipating the Challenges of the 21st Century - Innovation, High-tech and Emerging Industries as Sources of Growth for Macroeconomic Wealth Creation' (follow-up to Welzls meeting with AMR-colleagues in Beijing in February 2012), 30 July 2012, Vienna - Agenda
Sino-Austrian macroeconomic expert workshop co-organised by Alexander G. Welzl (Economica) and Academy of Macroeconomic Research (AMR) of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), 30 July 2012, Vienna - Speakers' bios
Keynote-Speech “Our Common Future - Building Roads and Bridges for Global Entrepreneurs”
SREEN Conference 2019, Macau, P.R. China – 8 April 2019

Panel from left to right:
Takehiko ITO (Associate Dean and Professor at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business/NUCB Business School, Japan), Andrew R. LOCK (SREEN President and Chair of the International Accreditation Advisory Board of the Association of MBAs/AMBA), WANG Zhongming (SREEN Founder, Distinguished Professor of Zheijiang University School of Management, PR China), Andrew C. GODLEY (Associate Dean and Head of the Department of Leadership, Henley Business School, UK), Alexander G. WELZL
Silk Road Entrepreneurship Education Network Conference, 8 April 2019, Macau - Agenda
Silk Road Entrepreneurship Education Network Conference, 8 April 2019, Macau - Conclusions
Alexander G. Welzl, keynote at Silk Road Entrepreneurship Education Network Conference, 8 April 2019, Macau - Full version
Expert workshop for financial professionals
SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich, Switzerland – 22 January 2010

Alexander G. Welzl, expert workshop of AZEK The Swiss Training Centre for Investment Professionals (Swiss Financial Analysts Association SFAA), 22 January 2010, SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich, Switzerland - Invitation
Meeting at China Foreign Affairs University, CFAU
Beijing, P.R. China - 4 April 2019

From left to right:
SHI Yi (Dean and Professor of the Department of English and International Studies, CFAU), Alexander G. WELZL, WU Xiaoping (Director of Foreign Affairs Office, CFAU), RAN Jijun (Professor in African and American Studies, CFAU).
Meeting at United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
UNOOSA headquarters, Vienna, Austria – October 2018

From left to right:
DU Hui (China National Space Administration, CNSA), Ian FREEMAN (UNOOSA), QIN Aihua (Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing), Alexander G. WELZL
Meeting at Hanson Robotics’ Tsuen Wan Lab
Hong Kong, P.R. China – 24 October 2019

From left to right:
Doug GLEN (Chief Strategy Officer & Board Director, HANSON ROBOTICS), Sophia (humanoid AI robot), Alexander G. WELZL
Advisor to the Board of European Semiconductor Corporation
Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies AG (IFAT), Villach, Austria -

In the middle:
Alexander G. WELZL during an individual, expert guided tour through the cleanroom of the high-tech chip factory of Infineon Technologies Austria AG
In 2006 Alexander G. Welzl worked as advisor to the board and the CFO of European semiconductor corporation Infineon Technologies in its Austrian headquarter. A carve-out of Siemens Corporation Infineon Technologies AG at that time (until 2009) was listed at New York Stock Exchange (NYSE, ticker symbol: IFX). Alex acted as external project manager with global expertise in intangible asset (intellectual capital) based value creation and corporate reporting as well as capital market expert representing the European financial professionals‘ association EFFAS in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Under his advisory Infineon Technologies (with its Austrian subsidiary IFAT) developed the first intellectual capital report of a semiconductor (chip producing) corporation worldwide. With a preface of the EFFAS Chairman, the Austrian Federal Minister of Finance and remarks of the OECD Director for Science, Technology and Industry a special condensed version of the report was published as a OECD best practice case in the form of an official handout for the OECD Conference on ‚Intellectual Asset-Based Management - Toward Innovation and Sustainable Growth‘ held in Tokyo on 7-8 December 2006 –Handout for OECD conference in Tokyo, Japan, 2006